Monday, May 13, 2013

Triton 16% Time

Notice of Badge Completion

Issued to: kflodman
Badge issued by: Smithsonian Quests
Badge awarded by: 10th Grade
Badge Issuer Contact:
Issued on: May 7, 2013
Also issued to: 18 others

As part of our in-class project, Triton 16% Time, I completed the H20 Hero Badge from Smithsonian Quests. This badge required me to learn about the amount of water that different everyday items use in production and to create a graph showing how much water is used per product. I also had to create an advice column in which I gave time-saving tips to encourage busy families to conserve water. I enjoyed working on this badge because the activities allowed me to explore something new. Before making the bar graph, I had little knowledge of how much water is used while making everyday products. This project was also valuable because it focused on the class theme for the year: what it means to be an American. This badge taught me to take "initiative" about the issue of water conservation with simple tricks that will help save water. Besides being an enjoyable class project that helped me learn about a different topic, this badge taught me to take action in my own life so I can be a contributor to our country and to our environment.

1 comment:

  1. Why I am not surprised that you took the idea of 16% time and applied it to what we have been trying to do all year? Good for you.
