Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Class Update: 9/18 & 9/19

On Tuesday, after completing an activity on the checks and balances system, we were presented with the task of creating an “infograph” on the branches of government and their jobs. Surprisingly, this seemed to be the only day when none of the students had an appropriate web-enabled device, so we set to work using crayons and paper. I was surprised to learn that the president must be 35 years old to run for election. Maybe this law is to ensure that the president has enough life experiences to make wise decisions.

Today, groups took notes on the Federalist and Anti-federalist views of the Constitution. The Federalists believed the Constitution would create a necessary strong central government to prevent anarchy and international issues. Anti-federalists were concerned with the missing Bill of Rights, which could limit freedoms gained during the Revolution and state power. I agree with the Federalists, especially how James Madison said, “Different interests necessarily exist in different classes of citizens.” He is saying that a constitution can still allow opinions, and also protect opinions. To apply our notes, we created magazine covers promoting one view on the topic. We tried to draw Federalist readers by pointing out all the issues that could happen without the Constitution – even anarchy!

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