Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Class Update: 4/22 & 4/23

Yesterday, we spent the period in the computer lab. We are trying a new concept, which we are calling Triton 16% Time. This idea is based off of Google 20% Time, a plan that allows Google employees to spend one day of their work week on any project they would like to do, as long as it improves Google. We will be choosing badges to earn on a Smithsonian website, based on our interests. I am going to complete the H20 Helper Badge, which consists of learning about how much water different products use and how to conserve water. I am enjoying this process because it allows me to spend time learning about something I might not learn about during my free time.

Today, we had a substitute and we learned about soddies, houses made of dirt on the Great Plains. We learned about what it was like to live in a soddy, from the size and smell to the food and living conditions. The next post explains more about living in a soddy. The activities today were very fun and they helped me to understand what it might be like to live in a real soddy.

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